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import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import Swiper from 'react-native-swipe-cus';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  wrapper: {
  slide1: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#9DD6EB',
  slide2: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#97CAE5',
  slide3: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#92BBD9',
  text: {
    color: '#fff',
    fontSize: 30,
    fontWeight: 'bold',
export default class Test extends Component {
    return (
      <Swiper style={styles.wrapper} showsButtons={true}>
        <View style={styles.slide1}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>Hello Swiper</Text>
        <View style={styles.slide2}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>Beautiful</Text>
        <View style={styles.slide3}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>And simple</Text>



属性 默认值 类型 描述
horizontal true bool If true, the scroll view's children are arranged horizontally in a row instead of vertically in a column.
loop true bool Set to false to disable continuous loop mode.
index 0 number Index number of initial slide.
showsButtons false bool Set to true make control buttons visible.
autoplay false bool Set to true enable auto play mode.
onIndexChanged (index) => null func Called with the new index when the user swiped


属性 默认值 类型 描述
width - number If no specify default enable fullscreen mode by flex: 1.
height - number If no specify default fullscreen mode by flex: 1.
style {...} style See default style in source.
containerStyle {...} style See default container style in source.
loadMinimal false bool Only load current index slide , loadMinimalSize slides before and after.
loadMinimalSize 1 number see loadMinimal
loadMinimalLoader <ActivityIndicator /> element Custom loader to display when slides aren't loaded


属性 默认值 类型 描述
showsPagination true bool Set to true make pagination visible.
paginationStyle {...} style Custom styles will merge with the default styles.
renderPagination - function Complete control how to render pagination with three params (index, total, context) ref to this.state.index / / this, For example: show numbers instead of dots.
dot <View style={{backgroundColor:'rgba(0,0,0,.2)', width: 8, height: 8,borderRadius: 4, marginLeft: 3, marginRight: 3, marginTop: 3, marginBottom: 3,}} /> element Allow custom the dot element.
activeDot <View style={{backgroundColor: '#007aff', width: 8, height: 8, borderRadius: 4, marginLeft: 3, marginRight: 3, marginTop: 3, marginBottom: 3,}} /> element Allow custom the active-dot element.
dotStyle - object Allow custom the active-dot element.
dotColor - string Allow custom the active-dot element.
activeDotColor - string Allow custom the active-dot element.
activeDotStyle - object Allow custom the active-dot element.


属性 默认值 类型 描述
autoplay true bool Set to true enable auto play mode.
autoplayTimeout 2.5 number Delay between auto play transitions (in second).
autoplayDirection true bool Cycle direction control.


属性 默认值 类型 描述
showsButtons true bool Set to true make control buttons visible.
buttonWrapperStyle {backgroundColor: 'transparent', flexDirection: 'row', position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 10, paddingVertical: 10, justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center'} style Custom styles.
nextButton <Text style={styles.buttonText}>›</Text> element Allow custom the next button.
prevButton <Text style={styles.buttonText}>‹</Text> element Allow custom the prev button.


属性 默认值 类型 描述
style {...} style Custom styles will merge with the default styles.
title {...} element If this parameter is not specified, will not render the title.

关于使用<ScrollView />的一些属性

属性 默认值 类型 描述
horizontal true bool If true, the scroll view's children are arranged horizontally in a row instead of vertically in a column.
pagingEnabled true bool If true, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view's size when scrolling. This can be used for horizontal pagination.
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator false bool Set to true if you want to show horizontal scroll bar.
showsVerticalScrollIndicator false bool Set to true if you want to show vertical scroll bar.
bounces false bool If true, the scroll view bounces when it reaches the end of the content if the content is larger then the scroll view along the axis of the scroll direction. If false, it disables all bouncing even if the alwaysBounce* props are true.
scrollsToTop false bool If true, the scroll view scrolls to top when the status bar is tapped.
removeClippedSubviews true bool If true, offscreen child views (whose overflow value is hidden) are removed from their native backing superview when offscreen. This canimprove scrolling performance on long lists.
automaticallyAdjustContentInsets false bool Set to true if you need adjust content insets automation.
scrollEnabled true bool Enables/Disables swiping



属性 默认值 类型 描述
onScrollBeginDrag e / state / context function When animation begins after letting up
onMomentumScrollEnd e / state / context function Makes no sense why this occurs first during bounce
onTouchStartCapture e / state / context function Immediately after onMomentumScrollEnd
onTouchStart e / state / context function Same, but bubble phase
onTouchEnd e / state / context function You could hold the touch start for a long time
onResponderRelease e / state / context function When lifting up - you could pause forever before * lifting

Note: each ScrollResponder be injected with two params: state and context, you can get state and context(ref to swiper's this) from params, for example:

var swiper = React.createClass({
  _onMomentumScrollEnd: function (e, state, context) {
    console.log(state, context.state)
  render: function() {
    return (
      <Swiper style={styles.wrapper}
      onMomentumScrollEnd ={this._onMomentumScrollEnd}

More ScrollResponder info, see:


scrollBy(index, animated)

Scroll by relative index.


属性 默认值 类型 描述
index number undefined offset index
animated bool true offset index


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